What's hot at the end of our (very short) summer season? Part 2

Thursday, September 16, 2010
When rains in Vancouver start to fall, our gardens tend to lose the colors that we immensely enjoyed in the summer. Although some of our remaining blooms begin to get mushy and pale, we can still content ourselves with the lovely colors of lovely foliages such as coleus, smoke bush and potato vines. I dug up a small patch in my front loan to plant some bright garden mums. Two weeks later, I wasn't disappointed with the result when they filled the entire patch with cheery colors of yellows, magentas and bronze!

My coleus are still looking very perky!

The garden ornaments and furnitures need to be put away very soon though...


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What's hot at the end of our (very short) summer season? Part 2

When rains in Vancouver start to fall, our gardens tend to lose the colors that we immensely enjoyed in the summer. Although some of our remaining blooms begin to get mushy and pale, we can still content ourselves with the lovely colors of lovely foliages such as coleus, smoke bush and potato vines. I dug up a small patch in my front loan to plant some bright garden mums. Two weeks later, I wasn't disappointed with the result when they filled the entire patch with cheery colors of yellows, magentas and bronze!

My coleus are still looking very perky!

The garden ornaments and furnitures need to be put away very soon though...


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